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+1 -800-456-478-23
We are very pleased to announce that we are joining Drone Logistics Ecosystem thus addressing the fast-evolving drone logistics market and the overall air mobility industry. The main goal of Drone Logistics is to deliver innovative solutions that serve urban, rural, regionally and at sea delivery systems, vertiport universal charging stations safety and reliability.
Our Sales Manager, Edward Alves, said that “Sinepower is developing applications for its technologies for the fast-moving advanced air mobility industry. Based on know-how obtained from the aviation industry, specifically on the ground power management, and from the EV charging industry, Sinepower finds itself in a unique position to offer the best quality Power Management and Energy Transformation solutions to the upcoming and fast-growing drone delivery market. Sinepower is Setting up collaboration with AirGo Design Pte Ltd to work on lightweight electrification solutions related to the drone delivery market, such as AirGo’s DroneBox™ that can also provide battery housing space to extend the flight range of the drone.”
In case you are not yet familiar with Drone Logistics Ecosystem, here is some additional information (quoting their article):
“The Drone Logistics Ecosystem is a free, global multidisciplinary “quadruple helix” network of Companies, Universities, Public/Government, and Investors to stimulate innovations, collaborations, and standardizations in the drone logistic industry.
The aim of the Drone Logistics Ecosystem is to bring together stakeholders in the drone logistics industry under one roof to support the commercialization and marketing of products of Drone Logistics members. Since the industry at its inception, most of the companies are early-stage start-ups with limited access to funding, manpower, and expertise, making us an ideal platform for companies to lend their expertise for joint-development of products, consulting, or simply as sub-contractors, or for any other format of cross-disciplinary/border collaboration.”
To find out more, check HERE.